Saturday, May 25, 2013

St Lucia: Monday-Tuesday

Monday we went to the Pitons. The Pitons are two mountains that are right next to the ocean and are a popular tourist place in St Lucia. There is a restaurant that sits in between them and so while you are eating you sit in awe looking at the scenery. This was in my top 3 favorite things we did on the trip. The pictures do not do it justice. When you are looking out at the mountains your eyes can't tell if its real or a picture. It was absolutely amazing.
I love this guy!
Our drive through the island.
The cars on the left are parked and the cars on the right are coming towards us, so we had to pull forward park on the left and let the cars on the right pass before we could continue driving. The roads are so small in St Lucia. They don't have any yards either. These houses are all right next to each other with no space to walk in between them.
After lunch we went to an active volcano. It is like Old Faithful in Yellowstone there are a lot of hot pots and sulfur.  
This is a cashew. One of the weirdest things I have ever seen. It grows on a tree, and you can eat the yellow fruit that its connected to.   
Tuesday we went to Pigeon Point. It is an island that they used during the 1700's for like a war base between the French and the British when they . It was a nice hike and the view was beautiful!
I thought this tree was cool. I looks like a giant pineapple.

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