Friday, May 3, 2013


I enjoy things like shoveling snow, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn. Don't get me wrong it's not something I enjoy doing it ALL the time, but I enjoy having some time to myself to think and work off stress. I think that is why I like running so much.
Trent is on another business trip in Dallas, Texas and the yard was in dire need of a mowing so that's what I decided to do to keep me busy while he was away.
Today I was struggling. I thought I would get a lot done while Trent was gone I went outside and pulled out the lawn mower and began to start it. It wont start. I continue to pull the string as hard as I can with no luck as all of my neighbors outside watch me. So I slowly back the lawn mower into the garage so no one can see me and try some more...and that failed. That's when I call my dad and he comes to the rescue, like usual, and helps me get it started. As I am mowing one of our Sunday School kids named Ryen is riding his bike around the neighborhood. He parks his bike on the curb and tells his friend riding with him to wait. I say hello and he walks up to me and says "Can I finish that for you?" Wow. This 11 year old boy stops riding his bike with his friend to see if he can help me finish mowing me lawn for me. Now, I might have looked like I was struggling a little. The rabbit speed was not helping me one bit. Our yard is very lumpy and I got stuck a few times so that was probably what made him this old lady needs some help. But then I thought what 11 year old stops riding his bike with a friend on a Friday night to ask if I need help? It made me think would I do that? Am I someone that would drop everything I'm doing to help someone in need?
Kindness is a rare thing in this world. I think genuine kindness is even more rare.
I'm grateful for Ryen and the kindness he showed me today.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." -Plato

1 comment:

  1. Love it. It's easy to forget how something so little could mean the world to someone else. Great Post Ash!
